Freelancers need to have a website to showcase their work. Some freelancers ignore creating a website, but it’s an insanely powerful marketing tool, and it will take your freelancing business to a whole new level.
Freelancers need to have a website to showcase their work. Some freelancers ignore creating a website, but it’s an insanely powerful marketing tool, and it will take your freelancing business to a whole new level. It acts as social proof and gives you credibility. Besides creating a profile on major freelance sites like Upwork and Fiverr, having your website is essential and gives you leverage over the million other freelancers online today.
Your website is the first impression about you as a brand that clients interact with. Whether you are a writer, graphic designer, virtual assistant, etc., having a website of your own will attract even better-paying clients and grow your business. Let us look at more reasons why you need a website as a freelancer.
It makes you look professional.
If you are a freelancer, it doesn’t matter which industry you are in, but creating a web presence with a website makes you look professional. There are many horror stories online where clients have interacted with freelancers who disappeared, failed to deliver, and are just not serious about their work. This makes clients waste their time and lose their money. If you have a website, it guarantees clients that you mean business. They can entrust you with their work; you are a professional, and you will deliver.
A well-designed and clear website communicates who you are, what sort of work you do, and the type of businesses you work with. Ensure that you showcase your work have testimonials and photos, plus links to your social pages on the website. This ensures clients you won't ghost them. If you have a freelancing website, people will see you as a business, and they will take you seriously. Plus, you can always ask for the rates you deserve.
Give your business a face.
No one wants to work with a faceless company. With a website, you get to show clients you are a business, and they can see the face and personality behind the tag name freelancer. It’s also a great place to send clients when you pitch to them. For example, when you are looking for work and pitch to a client the services you can offer them, if you have a well-curated website, you can always send them there to view your business and what it's about.
When clients browse through your website and see your logo, style, or even content on your blog, they get a better idea of who you are. They make a better connection with you, and sometimes you can find you may have the same interests, which even makes it easier to interact and work with them.
A way to display your services and rates
When creating your website, you will also have a service page. This is where you outline the services you offer as a freelancer. A service page is essential because you can go into detail about your services. With this, you give clients a brief idea of how it is to work with you before they can email or book a call with you to hire you.
The page is also significant, especially for people who are following your links from social media. Sometimes you may post a link on social media to advertise your services, and some clients would want to check out your services and rates first before contacting you. According to MECLABS, email campaigns with images also create leads and traffic to your website, so you may consider that when sending out your email.
Referrals from previous clients or family and friends will also check your website for the rates and services you offer. Displaying rates can rule out clients who offer low rates, and someone may be aware of your pricing before contacting you.
A place to create your online portfolio
A portfolio is an awesome way for freelancers to show off their skills and how they’ve helped previous clients with their services. Creating a website is an opportunity for you to let the world see your work.
How you create your portfolio will vary from industry to industry. If you are a writer, you can display the content you've written for clients and even add how they are performing on search engines. Create links to blog posts and articles you have written. It's even better if the posts have credited you as the writer.
If you are a photographer/videographer, your portfolio will consist of images/videos you have taken for different clients. If you are a graphic designer, share logos and designs you’ve created for clients. If you can also add how your services helped the clients get results would also be good. For example, you can say this blog or email I wrote reached this many people, which had this impact on the client's business.
Portfolios are an expression of your work, so you can get as creative as you wish.
Show off clients' testimonials on your website.
Show off your client's testimonials on your website to gain credibility. Having social proof will convince your clients that you know your stuff. Clients are more likely to believe your work when they hear it from someone else because it’s easy to hype yourself up. You can source testimonials from clients after you have completed a project with them. Clients you have worked with on Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn, or even direct clients. Screenshot thank you emails from clients where they are praising you for your excellent work.
The importance of having a website to market your freelance services is that it will build your business. You will no longer have to accept low-paying gigs from freelance platforms, which also take a percentage of your earnings.
A website is also a way to display your online portfolio, build credibility, and for referrals to contact you. It will help you streamline the client onboarding process and, even in other cases, help you earn some money if your website starts getting enough traffic. The good thing about freelancing is that you are not only limited to one income-earning stream. With time you can continuously develop your skills and branch out into other income sources.