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November 10, 2017

Top Tips on Outsourcing Your Content Writing Needs

Writing new content is a mammoth task that any serious business today will face. Whether it’s informational content for your website, product descriptions for your e-commerce store, terms and conditions.

Top Tips on Outsourcing Your Content Writing Needs

Top Tips on Outsourcing Your Content Writing Needs

Writing new content is a mammoth task that any serious business today will face. Whether it’s informational content for your website, product descriptions for your e-commerce store, terms and conditions, or fresh and exciting posts for your business blog, finding somebody who’s good with words is essential. Although it’s possible to do your own Content Control Outsourcing, many business owners find this to be unfeasible simply because it takes up so much time. However, outsourcing your content writing needs is often easier said than done. We’ve put together some top tips to help make the process an easier one.

Tip #1. Know Where to Look

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever for individuals to sell their services online and make some money from side gigs, one of which is writing content for businesses. However, the downfall of this for business owners is that you’re certainly going to come across individuals offering services that aren’t quite the type of quality that you need. So, it’s important to know where to look to find the best freelance writers and content creation companies out there. Frequent digital marketing forums, social networks such as LinkedIn, and high-quality freelance job sites are all great places to start looking for your perfect writer or writing team.

Tip #2. Expect to Pay More

When it comes to content writing, many business owners make the mistake of thinking that this is something that they can have done on the cheap. However, whilst it may be possible to pay peanuts for content writing, be aware that in this industry, the saying that ‘you get what you pay for’ has never been truer. If you set aside only a small budget for your content writing needs, then you can expect the quality that you receive back to match. Instead, investing more into a high-quality service will ensure that your content stands out and provides excellent returns on your investment.

Tip #3. Know What You Need

When it comes to finding a content writer, the good news is that there’s a very diverse bunch out there who can collectively offer a wide range of services and styles. However, there’s no point in paying somebody to write about technology if they’re used to writing product descriptions for clothing, or vice versa. It’s vital to understand exactly what you need from your writer, as this will be essential in narrowing your search down to the perfect one.

Tip #4. Try Before You Buy

Lastly, investing a little money in custom samples or setting out a trial working period for a potential new writer can be an excellent way of ensuring that you’re making the right decision. All good freelance writers know that it can be difficult to choose based on somebody’s website or blog, so they’ll happily put together a custom sample for you to give you a better idea of what you can expect should they be working for you full-time. Although this will cost you, it’s certainly worth spending some money on ensuring you have the right penman!

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