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Difference Between Scala Vs Java; Which One Is An Ideal Choice?

Difference Between Scala Vs Java; Which One Is An Ideal Choice?

Scala and Java are the two most popular programming languages that use JVM. Both the programming languages are often compared to see which one is an ideal choice. They have similarities and dissimilarities as well. Today, we are writing this article to know more about Scala vs Java.

What is Scala?

Scala is a type-safe JVM that was launched internally in 2003 and was publicly released in 2004. It is more of a general-purpose language used for programming applications. It includes the best of two worlds, functional programming, and OOP. Since the language was developed for the JVM platform, its source code was designed to run efficiently on the JVM. That said, it can be compiled in Java bytecode.

Scala is a programming language that is statistically typed and based on Java.

Martin Odersky designed Scala. He had previously worked on Javac and Generic Java. Because of its paradigms like functional programming and language interoperability, the language rapidly grew popular.


  • Highly secure and robust programming language.
  • Object-oriented and hence supports functional programming as well as a combination of both the paradigms.
  • Its interoperability feature with Java helps developers use libraries that are available in any language.
  • Built-in patterns and practices.
  • The language is concise, expressive, and readable.
  • It has a well-designed code structure and has less boilerplate.


  • All the operators of Scala are functions.
  • Developers get a hybrid of OOP and functional programming.
  • Has lazy computation.
  • String Interpolation.
  • Efficient, fast, and robust language.
  • Every declared variable is by default immutable.

Who Uses Scala? What Types of Applications Can Be Built Using Scala?

Several tech giants and Fortune 500 companies use Scala for their applications and are satisfied with the results provided by this programming language. The companies using Scala are Twitter, Coursera, Accenture, Linkedin, SoundCloud, Airbnb, The New York Times, Glovo, Coursera, Meetup, Verizon, etc.

The Scala programming language is suitable for data analytics, web apps, desktop, and enterprise applications. This programming language is a go-to choice for developing concurrent and distributed programming languages. Since the language supports OOPS and FP, it is ideal for real-time streaming programs and processes.

The programming language is general purpose and highly versatile and hence makes the development of high-performing applications easy.

What is Java?

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that was built at Sun Microsystems. The language is compatible with multiple platforms and follows the WORA (write once run anywhere) principle. It means that the codes written in Java are flexible enough to run on any platform.

The platform should, however, support Java, and then it doesn't require recompiling. Java is a highly acclaimed programming language and is generally employed by developers across the globe to develop client-server applications. This programming language has been on the top from 2015-2020. Because of the capabilities which make the programming language diverse. It is used across android app development, data centers, game consoles, dynamic web apps, and supercomputers.

Features of Java

  • Possesses an extensive and rich set of libraries and APIs.
  • Easy to learn, simple, and easy to code.
  • The secure, scalable, and stable language is still evolving after 26 years.
  • The programming language is object-oriented and has a modular approach.
  • The language is a prime example in the software world for innovation and stability together.
  • Suitable for almost everything.
  • Backed by an active and strong community of tech enthusiasts and developers.


  • A go-to programming language that every programmer can use to develop almost any kind of application.
  • Java doesn't use functional programming since it's an object-oriented programming language.
  • Codes written in Java are easy to learn and write. The programming language is friendly for beginners as well.
  • Java has an extensive set of tools, packages, development environments, and libraries.

Who Uses Java? What Types of Apps Can Be Built Using Java?

When it comes to using Java, several different applications are easily built using the programming language. Java is a programming language that can be used everywhere. That said, it is used for desktops, mobile phones, gaming applications, scientific applications, IoT, big data apps, etc. Hence, you will see numerous retailers, enterprises, banks, manufacturers, financial companies, and others rely on Java.

Also, several programming languages are inspired by this language. This language is suitable for various applications such as scientific applications, robust, scalable, and server-side development, android apps, embedded apps and IoT, Microservices-based apps, financial and trading apps, etc.

Many companies are using Java software development services for developing softwares, websites, and applications projects. Some companies are Spotify, Google, Netflix, Airbnb, Twitter, Uber, Instagram, eBay, etc.

Scala vs Java: What to Choose and When

The choice of framework and programming language depends on the requirements and several other parameters. Both Scala and Java have different powerful features, a different and huge user base, and strengths and weaknesses. Java enjoys the top position since it offers flexibility more than ever before.

On the contrary, the Scala programming language is still evolving and focuses on stability and resilience. Only skilled scala developers obtain the language's benefits and can write shorter codes that are easily tested and debugged. The choice is, however, subjective to the requirements and ease of use.

He is a Business Growth Strategist at a Leading Software Development Firm. He has experience in developing and executing digital strategies for large global brands in a variety of business verticals. Apart from working on a long-lasting relationship with customers and boosting business revenue, he is also interested in sharing my knowledge on various technologies and their influence on businesses through effective blog posts and article writing.

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