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How to Build the Best Backlink Profile for your Website

Mar 23, 2021
How to Build the Best Backlink Profile for your Website

Search Engines give high credibility to the website with good backlinks. Backlinks can make or break your position on SERPs. For organic SEO, a maintained backlink profile is one of the most important and decisive factors. Here we will discuss in detail what is meant by a good backlink, and share some strategies and methodologies to make a natural backlink portfolio.

What is a Backlink Profile?

For newbies here we share, what is a backlink profile?

It is a portfolio or list of backlinks from other websites linked with your webpage. To strengthen your backlink profile, the links should be done with websites of high domain authority. It may consummate links from social media sites, no follow, and no spam link. Such authentic backlinks boost the SEO credibility of the website.

Features of a Good Backlink

Search engine prefers rank from high authoritative websites, like Wikipedia, the government published journals or any profile of high domain value. Linking your website contents with such high authoritative websites is extremely valuable.

SERPs prefers, rather prioritizes natural looking backlinks. Here natural implies to the authentic genuine links and not those which are intentionally pushed.

Hence, when your website starts getting similar types of links from a single website SERPs penalizes your website. E.g. if all backlinks start coming from only blog comments then there is a chance of your website getting under a negative health ratio.

The anchor text must be different for different pages on the website. Linking the same anchor text to all pages may penalize the website. Hence create different anchor text, meta descriptions for different pages of your website.

Your backlink profiles must have some dofollow and nofollow links. This looks like a natural and genuine profile. These are two major heads under which a link can be tagged. Nofollow links imply those with reduced SEO equity and Dofollow links are with direct and strong SEO equity.

How to Measure the Quality of Your Backlinks?

You may use some industry-leading tools for measuring the quality of backlines integrated with your website. Ahrefs and Moz give you excellent analysis based on backlinks, keywords, competition, domain authority, image link metrics, and website inbound links.

Read on to know how to make a backlink credible and thus enhance the backlink profile.

Make Authoritative Links

Authoritative links are boon for the website and backlink profile. This implies that your website is linked with those with higher domain authority. It signifies to the search engine that your website is linked with a well-authorized trusted website. Thus it helps you build a strong website authority of your webpage. Such links have high SEO value.

Keep away from broken links, spam links, or low authority links. Sometimes, such links come across in the process. However, you should try and avoid these. If the percentage of low-value links increases you have to replace them with high authority links.

Relevance of Links

Just securing backlinks from a website with high domain authority is not going to work as a wonder with your target keyword. Along with good domain authority, you also have to cynosure on the relevance of the linking site with your business or website category. Relevance with your domain page is a very important factor that determines the vigor of your SEO effort. Relevance is highly important. Otherwise, the basic strategy or rule book of search engines prioritizing your website based on the trust factor of authenticated sites and visitors gets misaligned.

You may use tools like SEMRush or a similar one to check the contextual relevance of the website. Or else you can go through the content and keywords to find a match with your industry.

Context Relevance

Your links need to be placed in such a position of your website where the contents speak about the relevance of the backlink domain category, and keywords targeted to rank. Despite link relevance and anchor text details, it supports with a logic that search engine considers credible even if any unrelated domain gives you weightage.

Refresh Old Links

Over time the links depreciate their value. Hence you must keep on adding new links to your backlink profile. Otherwise, the organic keyword ranking starts dropping. Search engine values consistent backlinks with good domains. Hence the process of organic SEO must be kept continuous and consistent.

Content Quality

We know that content is king. An engaging, unique content that is well optimized with keywords always boosts the SEO health and backlink profile. What sort of content can be engaging based on your industry, how to find targeted keywords, and how to increase page views. Posting such valuable content will add values.

Guest Blogging

Choose similar companies related to your industry and do guest posting. This helps you to open up in front of a bigger audience. You may a relevant content and post it along the

Empowering PR Vertical

Press Release is a very effective way to set your brand value. By publishing PR about your brand you can make it popular. In this way, other websites or companies in the same industry will link your website with them. This will add the value of your website to the algorithm of the search engine. Trust, authority, and authentic information help ultimately to generate quality backlinks. And thus fetches more traffic and more scope of conversion.

Social Media

Join various groups in social media, write reviews on other companies, and answer questions of different inquirers on Quora and similar websites. If your reviews are helpful then definitely you are going to get support from them as a strong backlink. And people reading your reviews or question-answer will visit your website if it is a valuable and informative answer. This can help you a lot in increasing your rank.

Implementing the above-mentioned methods will help you make the best backlink profile for your website. And it will benefit the health and ROI of the website in all possible segments. Keep an eye on this space for more updates.  

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