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6 Best AI Website Builders to Help Save You Time In 2024

6 Best AI Website Builders to Help Save You Time In 2024

AI website builders are transforming website creation utilising artificial intelligence to streamline the process. Imagine a personal web designer who intuitively understands user needs after asking a few questions. These AI-powered platforms gather information about the user's industry, design preferences, and functional requirements, then produce a website that aligns perfectly with their vision. This method ensures that the creation of a website is both swift and easy, resulting in a custom site that meets user expectations precisely.

Before diving into specific AI website builders, it is essential to identify the qualities that make a platform truly



  • Usability: An excellent AI website builder features an intuitive user interface. It should include drag-and-drop functionality, clear menus, and easily accessible controls to simplify the design process. Even individuals without prior web design experience should find the platform user-friendly.

  • Personalisation: While AI assists with the bulk of the work, users must maintain control over the website's look and feel. A great builder offers a wide range of templates, design elements, colour schemes, and fonts, ensuring the website accurately reflects the user's brand.

  • AI-Powered Features: The variety and effectiveness of AI tools distinguish top-tier builders. These features should enhance the design process, providing intelligent solutions tailored to the user's needs.

  • Expandability: A website should have the ability to grow alongside the user's needs. The ideal builder offers flexible plans, allowing for the addition of storage, bandwidth, and functionality over time.

  • Compatibility: A superior website builder integrates seamlessly with popular tools for email marketing, analytics, CRMs, and social media platforms. This integration streamlines workflow and enhances the website's overall functionality.

  • Support: Reliable support is essential. A robust knowledge base, tutorials, and active community forums indicate strong support. For mission-critical websites, builders that offer priority technical support ensure help is readily available when needed.


  • Effortless Design: No need to start from scratch. AI website builders analyse your preferences, suggest layouts, and adapt designs in real-time.

  • Time-Saving: Quickly get your website online. These time-saving tools streamline text and image creation and can even generate marketing copy.

  • Easy Customisation: Realize your unique vision with intuitive interfaces, while AI manages the technical aspects behind the scenes.


1. WIX ADI: Wix ADI stands out as one of the fastest, most intuitive, and highly customisable AI website builders. It caters to businesses of all sizes, offering an AI-powered editing interface with numerous useful features. These include a logo maker, text generator, image optimizer, and SEO optimization tools. With its simple drag-and-drop functionality, users can easily customise design elements, buttons, contact forms, and more. Wix ADI is an excellent online tool for creating anything from basic websites to intricate online stores.


  • AI-powered website builder
  • AI content generation capabilities
  • Resilient infrastructure for multi-cloud hosting
  • Integration with business and marketing tools.
  • SEO-friendly responsive website design
  • 24/7 customer support


  • The drag-and-drop interface is easy to use.
  • Built-in SEO features are included.
  • There are over 200 app integrations available.


  • No visitor analytics on free or combo plans.
  • All plans have storage limits.
  • No template changes after the site goes live.


  • The free plan does not support a custom domain.
  • Premium plans range from $16 to $159 per month.
  • A 14-day money-back guarantee is provided.

2. HOSTINGER: Hostinger, a newer platform, is ideal for creating personal or small business blogs. It offers a drag-and- drop website generator, an AI writer for content creation, a logo maker, heatmap functionality to identify high-traffic areas and a business name generator.


  • Offers free domain and email.
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor.
  • Integrates with marketing tools.
  • Mobile customization-friendly website.
  • 24/7 customer support.


  • Strong infrastructure with 99.9% guaranteed uptime.
  • 24/7 live chat support.
  • Adaptive AI website builders.


  • Does not offer keyword support.
  • Limited design flexibility.


  • Starts at $2.99 per month.
  • Includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.

3. SHOPIFY: It is designed for e-commerce, offering AI-driven tools to streamline online store setup and management. It uses artificial intelligence to improve product recommendations and inventory management, making it a valuable resource for businesses aiming to enhance their e-commerce operations and increase sales.


  • AI text and image generator and enhancer
  • Machine learning-based content recommendations
  • Multi-lingual support
  • Custom CSS code fine-tuning


  • Comprehensive e-commerce capabilities
  • Reliable and secure payment processing
  • Simple website builder with numerous templates
  • Built-in marketing, automation, and sales tools
  • Excellent reporting and analytics


  • Transaction fees on all plans
  • Limited AI options
  • Limited collaboration capabilities


  • Shopify is available for $29.00 per month.
  • Includes a free three-day trial for testing the website builder.

4. GO DADDY: GoDaddy Inc. is an American company based in Tempe, Arizona, and incorporated in Delaware. It is a domain registry, registrar, and web hosting provider, ranking as the world's fifth-largest web host by market share. GoDaddy has over 62 million registered domains, serving approximately 21 million customers with a global workforce exceeding 6,900 individuals. The company offers domain registration, web hosting, website building, and related services, hosting over 84 million domain names and providing innovative features like SMS support.


  • Ideal for small businesses needing an all-in-one website and marketing solution.
  • Suited for users familiar with GoDaddy's ecosystem.
  • Includes integrated marketing tools for promotion.


  • All-in-one solution for website and marketing needs.
  • Familiarity with GoDaddy's ecosystem eases use.
  • Integrated marketing tools enhance website promotion.


  • Limited customization compared to design-focused builders.
  • Visitor analytics are unavailable on free or combo plans.


  • Website builder plans start at $10 per month.
  • Web hosting plans start at $5.99 per month.
  • Domain registration prices vary by extension.

5. FRAMER: Framer is a stunning AI website builder that simplifies webpage creation. This software utilizes prompt-based content generation and machine learning for seamless website development. It integrates effortlessly with popular design tools, ensuring ease of use. Additionally, its AI integration assists with content writing and quick photo searches, enhancing the overall user experience.


  • AI-powered web design engine
  • Tailored AI content generator in multiple languages
  • Multilingual translations
  • Responsive design for all devices
  • Drag-and-drop content editor


  • AI-driven design
  • User-friendly interface
  • Seamless integration with Figma
  • Various paid plans are available


  • Limited features in the free plan
  • Lack of E-commerce features


  • Framer offers a free plan and three paid plans.
  • The free plan has limited features.
  • Paid plans (Mini - $5/month, Basic - $15/month, Pro - $30/month) offer additional features like custom domains, increased storage, and access to premium templates.

6. JIMDO DOLPHIN: Jimdo Dolphin is an excellent choice for small businesses, enabling them to create a multi-page site in minutes. By answering a few questions about goals and design preferences, users can quickly set up their site. Jimdo Dolphin optimizes sites for various devices and utilizes publicly available information about the business to inform content creation. It also offers additional functionality to enhance online presence.


  • AI-powered website building.
  • Drag-and-drop interface.
  • 100+ templates and UI blocks.
  • Custom domain and hosting.
  • Community support for entrepreneurs.


  • Easy to use.
  • Good value.
  • Excellent support.


  • Editor limitations.
  • No custom code.


  • Start plan: $9/month.
  • Grow plan: $14/month.

In the current landscape, building websites has been revolutionized by the emergence of no-code website builders such as Hostinger, Framer, and Wix, along with advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI has not fully automated website creation, it has significantly simplified the process, making it more accessible, user-friendly, and cost-effective. This article has explored the top AI website builders and outlined essential features to consider when selecting a tool.

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