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June 22, 2016

44% of US Population get their news via Facebook

After a research carried out by the Pew Research Centre in 2013, it was stated that 44% of the general US population get their news via Faceboook.

44% of US Population get their news via Facebook

44% of US Population get their news via Facebook

After a research carried out by the Pew Research Centre in 2013, it was stated that 44% of the general US population get their news via Faceboook.

A survey of about 4,600 people was conducted through nine different social media platforms including Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Likendin, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, YouTube and Snapchat and it was found that 62% of the US adults got their news via social media.

Since Facebook reaches 67% of all US adults, two thirds of the users who get their news amount to 44% of the general American population. The majority of Americans read news only on one site, majorly Facebook while a quarter of them read it on other sites.

The research also stated that users are more likely to seek news online through Twitter, Linkedin and Reddit. There are however, higher chances that Facebook, Instagram and YouTube users come across the news by chance.

Although social media has become an important source of news, news still comes from a variety of sources including TV. The users of Twitter and Linkedin are also likely to get the news from apps and websites. The research revealed an interesting fact that Snapchat has been added to the research only this year but it has removed Google Plus, MySpace and Pinterest from the list.

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