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June 27, 2018

40 Instagram Marketing Hacks You Must Try Today

The social media platform is being extensively used by the digital marketing team across the globe. So you need to put in extra efforts to gain competitive advantage over your rivals.

40 Instagram Marketing Hacks You Must Try Today

40 Instagram Marketing Hacks You Must Try Today

The social media platform is being extensively used by the digital marketing team across the globe. So you need to put in extra efforts to gain competitive advantage over your rivals. There is a simple way to get this edge. This is if you have few tricks up your sleeve to engage more audience on the Instagram profile of your company. Here is a comprehensive list of 40 Instagram Hacks that would help you attract millions to your account!

1. Managing Multiple Accounts

The individuals or entrepreneurs have a personal and professional life. They have a personal and business account on Instagram too. Instagram allows the user to easily manage both these accounts simultaneously. Just click on the business account and you are good to go. Also, add account options enable you to switch to maximum of 5 accounts at a time!

2. Connect To Other Platforms

Did you know you can link your Instagram account with your other social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest? We believe that businessmen are really busy individuals and it’s difficult to visit all the websites when they need to post something. So just tag all the accounts, post on Instagram, and share it on other social networks.

3. Deleting What’s Not Required

Delete the posts that are not liked by the viewers. Such posts can hamper your social media presence. Instagram enables you to remove posts by clicking on the garbage icon.

4. Do Not Need Unwanted Comments

The viewers take the comments on social media quite seriously. The negative or abusive comments on the Instagram post of a brand are highly detrimental to the reputability of the company. Delete such posts, specific comments, or reviews through the delete option provided by Instagram. This can be done by tapping on the speech bubble and swiping to the left over the comment that you wish to delete.

5. Keep Your Enemies Closer

For business organizations, it is crucial to know what the rivals are strategizing as their social media marketing strategy. Follow the official account of competitors on Instagram and take measures to come up with better content than them. Or you can also learn from their mistakes and avoid the posts that do not appeal to the audience.

6. Line Breaks

Line breaks give a dramatic essence to the posts on Instagram. This is also welcomed by the audience. However, there is no option of pressing enter on the keyboard of your Smartphone. Not to stress! You can do this easily by clicking the 123 key on the left corner of the keyboard. Once you do it, return key appears on the bottom right corner.

7. Decide Your Time

The companies deal with international clients with time zone different from their own. Your employee who handles your Instagram account might not be available on the time that your clients are online. Instead of sweating over it, use the Instagram feature that allows you to post the content by scheduling a future time.

8. Make a Collage

Instagram itself provides you with options to create collage of pictures, filter and edit them too. You do not have to use other applications to make a collage. Instagram is a one stop site that serves your purpose of making all your posts attractive enough for the viewers. This can be done by tapping the select multiple icons and choosing the images from your gallery.

9. Multiple Clips in One Video

Instagram not just allows you to merge images in a collage; it permits you to put numerous video clips into one video. So capture videos and create an impactful clip that would appeal to the viewers and increase the likes on your post. To record multiple clips, hold the capture button till you wish to record the video and then press again when you want to record another clip.

10. Save the Draft

There are times when the organizations require posting long or complicated messages. This calls for thorough research and might take long time to be created. In between writing the post, urgent work can crop up. The writer can immediately save it as a draft and continue with it later. It is a phenomenal feature of Instagram that serves professional purpose.

11. Join With Your Partners

The companies work with several other firms on projects. The partnership can be contractual or long term. The business to business process also makes the companies clients of one another. Do follow these partners on Instagram to maintain a cordial relationship that would be beneficial for the firm. You can also request your partners to join a video that you are posting or be a part of their own clips. Just press request on the comments and wait for confirmation of it being accepted by the partner.

12. 9pm to 8am

The analytics team have stated that Instagram witness greatest traffic during 9pm to 8am. The companies must schedule their posts during this time to come up in the newsfeed of maximum audience.

13. Neil Patel Trick

According to Neil’s calculation, for 100 photos liked by him on random posts, his likes increased by 21.7 and followers by 6.1. So use the trick and like more and more photos so that you receive the same.

14. Use Geotagging

This Instagram feature helps you to add your location to the posts. This can be essentially helpful to your business as the Instagram users near you will be able to search your posts filtering the location.

15. Go Live With Instagram

Instagram stories have emerged with an excellent feature that allows the users to go live. The organizations can capture clips of the business processes, events, operations, and its services or products, to influence the opinion of the audience through Instagram.

16. Use the Influencers

The social media influencers are the group of people who are followed by millions of users. If they give good review about your company then their personal followers will be influenced. It is of crucial importance to create virtual business relationships with the influencers and gain millions of followers for the company’s account.

17. Tagging Needs Your Approval

A company’s profile must not be open to all. You must realize that one wrong tagging would cost the loss of thousands of followers. So change the privacy settings to ensure that you check and approve every tag before them being displayed on your Instagram account.

18. Hide the Ads

The analytical software used by Instagram tends to show the advertisements to you that it feels would be relevant to you, which may not be the case. Tell Instagram that you do not like certain ads and its algorithms will adapt to your choices. Hide the ads by clicking on sponsored and selecting ‘Hide This’ option.

19. Maintain Your Privacy

A business can use Instagram to exchange visuals or messages which are not for the public to witness. So use the option to share photos with individuals or a group of people and restrict others to see them. The direct message option sends personal messages to the desired account.

20. Retrieve Hashtags

Time saving hacks is very much relevant to the businesses. So instead of typing the hashtags every time just retrieve the ones that you have used. Just go to keyboard settings and click on the “Text Replacement” button to avail this feature of Instagram.

21. Post Old Stories

Instagram allows posting images and videos that are captured in the last 24 hours. A company might require posting the ones that are older than that time span. Just use this small hack of changing the time and date settings on your phone and trick Instagram to post what you wish to.

22. Auto Save

Instagram enables you to automatically save the stories that you post. Companies might require referring to these posts in the future. So, go to settings on the Instagram camera and scroll to auto save option. Once you are there, swipe it to blue so that it’s on.

23. Automatic Sync

Why take the trouble of sharing your story on Facebook and Instagram each time you upload one? Instead, go to story settings on the post and select “share your story on Facebook”.

24. Use Custom Colours

The choice of colours for the Instagram stories seems insufficient, is it? Well, you would be surprised that there is an array of colour choices waiting to be used. Merely holding down on the available colours for few seconds, leads to the rainbow of colours being popped on the screen. Use it as you want, to make the picture attractive enough to get likes.

25. Embed the Photos

The organizations have various blogs which are dedicated to promote the company. The Instagram post can be embedded into these blogs so as to increase its impact on the readers. Desktop instead of smart phones are to be used for this purpose.

26. Share Others’ Stories

The stories that have been trending on the internet can be shared to gain more audience. The posts that are aligned to the company’s products or the stories of the partners must be shared on your Instagram account for enriching the business.

27. Mention Others

Mentioning partners in the comments engage more users in the conversation. After all, Instagram is an interactive platform that must be exploited by the promotional team.

28. Pause, Skip, Rewind

The marketing team not only post stories on Instagram, but also analyze the posts uploaded by others. In case a video is too lengthy or boring, it merely wastes the time of the user. Likewise, you might want to rewatch the interesting ones. So, the pause, rewind, fast forward, and skip options are cool tricks that can be used.

29. Use Analytics on Instagram

Instagram analytical tools give business profiles insightful information about their followers’ preferences and choices. Switch to the business profile and put the feature to use.

30. Edit Other User’s Photos

The graphic designing companies can use Instagram features to edit the photographs of other users. This trick is a means to generate income as well.

31. Hit the Cultural Chord

First, know your targeted group of customers. After that, understand their cultural and traditional background. Develop content for Instagram posts and stories based on the culture of the customers so that they are automatically drawn to your brand.

32. Know Your Purpose

The promotional team of the firms must identify the objectives that they wish to attain by marketing through Instagram. It can be to create brand awareness, exhibit their products or working process, enhance engagement of the users, or to recruit employees. The content and the style of posting stories would be aligned to the objective of using Instagram.

33. Attractive Layouts

There are applications which improve the experience of Instagram. “Layout from Instagram” is an official application that assists in creating layouts and remixing colours for pictures that you wish to upload on Instagram.

34. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

The companies are often threatened of privacy issues. So Instagram offers two-factor authentication which doubles the security. It notifies the user if anyone attempts at bypassing the security stages.

35. Don’t Let Them Know You Checked

One chrome extension enables you to anonymously view posts and stories on Instagram. Often, for security purposes, the companies are not keen to reveal their identity to the users even if they are viewing their stories. This trick will help them keep their identity hidden.

36. Report Spam

Companies can be flooded with messages that might be irrelevant, nagging, or abusive. Instagram has an option to report the abusive posts, comments, messages, etc. And the software will immediately block the abuser from the Instagram account of the organization.

37. Use Music to Captivate Audience

Instagram now supports the videos with music after noticing that Facebook gained immense popularity through this feature. Applications such as VidLab, Videoshop, Instavideo, etc. can be used to add music on the videos captured through Instagram.

38. Captions Matter

Choose the captions wisely if you wish to get more comments on your post. Ask for the opinions of the audience, ask questions that are relevant to your targeted consumers, or take the help of Instagram polls. The psychology of the viewers reflects that they respond to questions more than normal visuals or texts.

39. Long Press Action

For Iphone users, 3D touch function is there to view the photos without opening them. For android users, long press the images to see them without opening the post. This feature is also applicable on the videos.

40. Mute Some

This feature allows you to prevent some followers to view your stories. Every post made by the company is not for the public. In such cases, this trick acts like a saviour!

Blend the best tricks that you have liked to create magic on your Instagram profile. Ensure that you don’t go overboard with the hacks and make your account look crowded. Give your viewers time to breathe and avoid posting too many stories on Instagram at one go. Keep it simple and attractive!

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