An ultimate guide to choose a perfect niche for your blog
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An ultimate guide to choose a perfect niche for your blog

An ultimate guide to choose a perfect niche for your blog

A Preface to Niche Blogs:

Niche blogging refers to creating a blog within a specific subject. This kind of blogs focus more on ideas, information, methods, ways or solution that facilitate the topic or that are directly related to it. A niche blog can solve the problem, and thus it receives a higher traffic than a blog that covers random topics.

Today, niche blogging has become extremely popular among the individuals who want to make passive income online. Focusing on a specific subject means you have a better possibility to get traffic and are less likely to have competition. Moreover, there are abundant possibilities and sources to make revenue through your blog.

The most interesting aspect of a niche blog is that it points the target audience to the right direction and makes them remember your blog. By giving proper information they needed, you can keep them coming back to your blog.  As a result, you will get a reliable audience base that understands you better.

Too often, bloggers make a wrong choice when choosing a niche. Selecting a subject purely based on its capacity to be money-making will not do you favors in the long run. Even though you can earn from profitable niches, you will grow tired of it, especially if you have chosen something that doesn’t interest you.

Guide To Choose A Perfect Niche:

Discover Your Blog’s Purpose:

According to Hubspot, the bloggers receive 67% more leads and 97% more links to their websites. On the flipside, many businesses get blogging wrong because of missing out some significant principles. They create blogs assuming that people give them a hit, but they don’t. Most people reading your blog are not doing it for pleasure. Instead, they hang on your every word to solve a problem or find a solution. So, the blog you create should be purposeful and cater to your target audience.

Why Should You Create A Purposeful Blog?

  • When you write a blog post with a purpose, you can grab the attention of the audience and can meet their needs on a personal level. This helps in gaining the trust of your readers, which is a crucial part of a blog.
  • To convert readers into buyers, you should be passionate about what you are writing. If you write with purpose, you can make your readers understand that you really believe in the specific product or service you are recommending. 
  • When you write a blog with purpose, you will have the ability to change their minds. In fact, you can change their opinion and knowledge base, and even convert them into a potential buyer.

How to Discover Your Blog’s Purpose?

Before you get started, ask yourself these questions.

  • What your blog is about?
  • How does your blog matter?
  • What message will you deliver through your blog?
  • Who can benefit from your blog?
  • How will you help your audience?

If you have answers for all these questions, then get started.

Determine Your Passion And Strength:

Most bloggers choose to write about what their audience wants instead of what they personally love. Before you kick start your blog, try to determine what you are really passionate about. Get out of the crowd and list out everything that you are interested in. This will give you a visual of what niches you actually enjoy. Now, explore what you are most knowledgeable in and narrow down the list by crossing out the limited subjects that would be difficult to expand on.

Pick out the ideas that you know a lot about and what topics you can create the best contents for. Only if you are truly knowledgeable and interested in the blogging niche, you will be able to create high quality contents that meticulously explain your ideas. Obviously, your enthusiasm for the topic will shine through your writings and engage your audience.

You should also think about your strengths on the specific blogging niche. Take a candid look at your skills and what you are really good at. It is always better to pick up a niche that you are 100% comfortable with. This will keep you inspired to explore new things and expand your horizon. In fact, your niche will give you many interesting experiences, so why not you choose something that you are strong about?

By knowing what your passions and strengths are, you will be able to hone yourself in on a lucrative niche and monetize your blogging.

Start Brainstorming:

Brainstorming is one of the most influential techniques that let you come up with innovative blogging ideas. When executed properly, you can develop better and more concepts to write on. Your brainstorming session will always be more productive when it is done as a group activity. Moreover, at the end of the session, you will have a long list of potential ideas to write about. As you begin with blogging, always start out with the fundamentals in the chosen niche and then dig deeper gradually.

Here are some brainstorming tips:

  • Try to find a few quality blogs in your niche and see what your competitors are writing about. Grasp some of their ideas and come up with a unique content.
  • Get ideas from your blog readers and write on them. This will help you get connect with your readers and give them the information they need.
  • Search through the topics that are being shared widely on social media. This gives you a perfect opportunity to come up with interesting yet popular ideas to write about. 
  • Mind mapping can be the easiest way to brainstorm blogging ideas. It is the graphical representation of all your ideas around one major topic.
  • Try out some topic generator tools that will give you a much better chance of coming up with unique blogging ideas. There are many free tools available online that will let you find the best topics by simply entering the keywords.   
  • Take time to glide through blog comments for better ideas. Instead of simply replying to the readers’ comments, spin their doubts into a topic and cover it deeply in the next blog.

Choosing a Niche with Options:

If you start with a broad niche such as lifestyle, finance, health or household issues, you will have a lot of options to write about. Maybe your niche is all about accounting. To spruce up your writing, you can expand it to other finance areas such as insurance, retirement planning, loan, etc.

On the flipside, if you have chosen a narrow niche, you will find it difficult to expand your subject area. Though a narrow niche gives you a burst of energy to write a crispy content and attracts a larger audience, it comes with a risk.

As a blogger, you should always be interested in learning a new skill so that you will never run out of blogging ideas. Always pick up a subject area that you have a big amount of interest in, and never go with a topic merely based on your experience. You don’t have to be an expert to write about a topic; you just need to immerse yourself in the niche so that you can identify more options within it and come up with the more inspiring content.

Broaden Your Horizon:

When you first start out, getting committed to a specific niche is indeed important. However, a day will finally come when you have nothing to write pertaining to your niche. If you have reached this point, you will get stuck and end up getting out of the way.  

  • In order to save yourself from this situation, you must conduct an in-depth research to make sure that your chosen niche has a lot of ideas to write about. Moreover, the research will let you identify the current trends in your niche that you can be successful with.
  • Have a look at your favorite niche blogs within your niche to get some inspirational ideas. Also take some time to find out what their audience wants. This gives you an opportunity to add personalized touch to your content and meet the exact needs of the readers. Developing contents with bespoke content will add to your authenticity and let you gain the trust of your audience.
  • You can use Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool to analyze what other bloggers in your niche are doing and what works out for them. The best thing about this tool is that when you enter keyword in the search box, you will be provided with a list of keywords along with their search volume and competitiveness data. Moreover, you can also get keyword ideas for current trends within your blogging niche using this tool.

Develop Your Sub-Niches:

Sub-niches are basically niches within your chosen blogging niche. Instead of being generic, it is best to write about a specific thing to gain the interest of your audience. Developing sub niches keeps you better informed and well prepared to write about your chosen niche.

Look at the tips below to develop profitable and successful sub-niches.

  • To choose profitable sub-niches, you need to look for something relevant to your niche with the lowest competition.
  • Pick up the sub-niches that could meet the demands of your target audience and garner the attention of your potential readers.
  • Use search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo to get sub-niche ideas. Typing your niche in the search bar will get you several suggestions to choose from.
  • Using Amazon to search for sub-niches will yield you many results. This works out if you would like to write about products relevant to your niche.
  • Wikipedia is a source of information where you can get profitable sub-niches.  

 Pick A Niche For Passion And Profit:

Passion and profitability are the two key points that will have impact on how you go about choosing a blogging niche. If you intend to make an income from your blog, then you need to choose a niche that can be easily monetized. When it comes to passion, it is all about creating content on topics that you are interested in. However, in order to be successful and to remain motivated, you should choose a blogging niche with the combination of these two elements.

Here are some strategies to create a successful and profitable blog.

  • Choose a topic that really matters to you. List all of your interests and come up with some unique yet low competition ideas.
  • Narrow your list of topics in order for creating a profitable niche. Trying to blog about too many topics may deteriorate your focus and you will end up losing readers.
  • Combine two or more related topics that you are interested in to bring a fresh approach. This gives you some inspiration to create a unique and profitable niche. 
  • Think about your target audience before making a final decision. Make sure that there are enough people who would be interested in your niche to make your blog successful.

Identify Your Market Place & Target Audience:

The success of your blog starts with finding the target audience and market place based on your niche. Identifying and understanding your target market gives you a clear picture of exactly who you are writing for. Moreover, defining your target audience will help you focus on creating the right content and establish you as an authorized writer in your industry.

Have a glimpse at the tips on identifying your niche’s market place below.

  • Probably, you may not be the first one to blog in your niche. There may be a few other bloggers who have already been working on your niche. So, head out and find some great blog posts that could get a decent amount of traffic. Leaving some good comments will draw the attention of the blog owner and the readers as well.
  • Based on your niche, there might be some online communities and forums relevant to your topics. Rather than blindly searching online, find the place where your target audience hangs out. Instead of thinking to attract your audience through your content alone, go out proactively to grab your attention.
  • Social media channels are the best platforms to find your target audience. Try to identify people who are active on social media. Then follow and engage with them when you get the right opportunity. Instead of treating social media channels as a platform to market your content, spend some time and interact with others each day. This helps you grow your following.

The Popularity of the Niche:

Before finalizing the topic, you need to determine if your blogging niche is popular and will be able to attract umpteen numbers of readers. Choosing a niche which the crowds are interested in is a worthy target to strive in this competitive world.

Here are some tips and techniques to evaluate the popularity of your niche.

  • Google Search Results: A simple and easy way to check the popularity of your blog’s niche is to conduct a Google search. Simply type the niche in Google and look at the number of search results. A topic with millions of search results indicates that it has some traction that you can tap in. This technique is certainly a good start as it gives you a subjective idea on what to choose.
  • Google Trends: Google Trends is indeed a great tool that provides you with clear insights on current popular topic, who are searching for, essential trends, seasonal variations and so forth. Apart from showing the underlying trends, the tool takes you back and lets you have a glimpse at how the interest of the people increased or declined over the time pertinent to your niche.
  • Google Keyword Planner: This keyword research tool is often used by Google Adwords users to assess the popularity of the keywords. In addition, it also allows you to measure the popularity of the blog’s niche with a simple search. All you need to do is to enter the keyword in the search box and see how many people are searching for that specific keyword. This tool gives you a monthly range that can be used to make a well-informed decision.

Benefits of Niche Blogging

  • The most important advantage of niche blogging is that you can reach your target audience and establish a strong relationship with them.  A well-targeted audience gives you better results.
  • You need not have to brainstorm a new topic every day. As you have already chosen a niche to write on, you don’t have to look for different topics. Focusing on a single topic will let you deliver more informative and valuable contents about a specific niche to the readers.
  • Setting up a niche blog does take lesser time and also provide you with reliable audience who remain loyal to your blog. Giving enriching content consistently helps in attracting more traffic to your blog.
  • As niche blogs are more authentic as compared to lifestyle blogs, you can achieve better SEO ranking. With niche blogging, you will be able to add internal links that play a major role in SEO ranking. However, lifestyle blogs are more generic and it can be difficult to add internal links.
  • The main purpose of developing a blog is to make money out of it. With niche blogging, you will get a well-defined target market and good traffic that can be converted into money. When you use geo-targeted and subject specific keywords, you can certainly make desired ROI.


The world of blogging has become over-saturated today. Combining your individual passion with profitability lets you create a unique niche in which you can flourish. Choosing the right niche is one of the biggest decisions in your blogging career. So, pay close attention at this point and determine what you are passionate about. When you write about something interests you, your readers will also read it with great interest. Take your own time to search your favorite topic so that blogging will not make you boring or become a burden.

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7 years ago
Writting a blog is not a difficult task, difficult task is the selection of the correct niche.



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