Till date we have all known what PR stands for. It’s the Public Relations. However, in the present day times, its not just about offline relations. Its not only about events and socialization.
Till date we have all known what PR stands for. It’s the Public Relations. However, in the present day times, its not just about offline relations. Its not only about events and socialization. A lot depends on your online mechanism and strategies. It is no more media publications and releases like it always use to be. So lets open our insight on to how we can increase our Digital PR.
What is Digital PR?
Digital PR is something the industry is buzzing constantly about. It is an accepted medium to increase the visibility and boost the reputation and fame of the client. It is the process in which the trusted and unbiased online third party visitors are used to have a positive impact on the target audience of a particular brand. The focus of a Digital PR agency is to give online visibility to its clients which involves working with Google and other online medium to give a higher ranking to the clients website in searches.
Digital PR is all about expanding the horizon of a brand with the help of digital mediums like social media, content marketing and more. It is a series of activities that are performed digitally to increase the profitability and brand recognition. The static news and information about a brand is digitally passed on to prospective visitors online and is shared exponentially. Digital super users are used for the purpose which includes bloggers, journalists, super influencers and more. The methods involve are networking online, reaching out to the journalists and influencers through their various social media profiles.
What is the difference between Digital PR and Traditional PR ?
PR as we know by now I all about Public Relations. So the basic difference between two medium of PR majorly lies in the channel through which the PR is done. Traditional PR involves methods like attending public meetings, publications etc. These are offline methods of increasing the awareness of a brand. Digital PR on the other hand is relying on the digital medium for the brand awareness.
The activities involved in a Digital PR are
In order to have a strong brand recognition there are number of online activities one needs to get involved in. These are as follow
Benefits of Digital PR
A constant Digital PR programme can help in increasing the brand awareness of a company in a strong way. Digital platform is one of the fastest medium or any company / brand / product to increase its awareness amongst the prospective customers. With people widely using the internet and various social networking sites, it has increasingly become easier to reach out to people
The benefits of an effective Digital PR campaign are listed below :
How to measure the success of a good Digital PR?
With the traditional PR measures, it was little difficult to state how much that PR contributed towards the sales. However, the same is not with Digital PR system. There are google analytics code and number of other mediums where you can easily tract the performance of a particular website, the kind of growth it shows after months of Digital PR.
The traditional methods of PR says that the success of a PR campaign depends on how well a business is performing. If the performance and profits of a company are good, then the PR campaign has done its job well and if there I no change in the profits of the company then certainly there had been some failure on part of the PR campaign. However this is not true. Its quite possible, that the PR company did its job well, it promoted and created the awareness about the brand very well. However, the area or location that was chosen to promote the brand was not correct and hence the efforts went in vain.
However, when Digital PR is concerned its quite simpler to track the success records. For the Digital PR all the actions are monitored and tracked down which gives an accurate data about how much benefit the brand made through the Digital PR campaign. With a Digital PR campaign, you can always track
Digital PR can be measured by the number of PR hits in google analytics. The ranking of the website can also be tracked in the search engines on the basis of a list of some major keywords pertaining to that brand. Digital PR helps to take a note of increase in the organic traffic after the PR campaign has been initiated. Google URL builder can also be used to track the PR campaign links. Hence you get a comprehensive list of conversion data and other data from the Google Analytics report. The backlink profile of the site can be measured using a number of online tools like Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO etc. If the PR campaign has been successful for your company, then the website must receive quality backlinks.
Tools that aid in an effective Digital PR campaign
What makes a Digital PR campaign hit? This is an important issue to be thought of. First and the foremost requirement for a hit Digital PR campaign is high domain authority. A PR campaign is hit only when the user gets the related information they are looking for in a most organized and comprehensive way. Using the right pitch, the right format for presenting your piece of news is the key to make sure that the information reaches the user in a way you have wanted it to reach.
So what are you waiting for. If you are looking for an effective brand awareness, opt for an effective Digital PR campaign. It can be very effectively used for realizing your dreams and reachingout to your target audience